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Golden Egg: Golden Milk for the Gut Brain

Golden Egg: Golden Milk for the Gut Brain

The Gut-Brain connection is becoming more renowned around the world as it is becoming widely accepted that conditions in the brain are affected by the gut, and vice versa.

Golden Egg was formulated to help nourish the gut brain with medicinal mushrooms, roots, and spices. This formulation supports cognition, mood, and digestion, creating synergy between these body systems.

Star Herbal Support includes:

Lion’s Mane Mushroom: A top brain ally to support cognition, mental focus, and the body’s natural ability to regulate emotions and regenerate neural tissue and pathways while supporting inflammation and promoting healthy a microbiome (if you suffer from H. pylori, you'll want lion's mane as an ally).

Ashwagandha: An Ayurvedic herb that supports the body’s natural ability to regulate stress response, sleep cycles, and hormone levels while supporting higher levels of endurance, cognitive function, and mood.

Turmeric:  Famous for supporting chronic inflammation in the body, the rich orange colour of turmeric demonstrates a high amount of antioxidants to fight cellular damage and inflammation while promoting cognition, longevity, and mood.  Turmeric supports BDNT, Brain-derived neuroptrophic factor, which helps increase neuroplasticity and increase seratonin and dopamine levels in the gut, leading to antidepressent effect and prevention and possible reversal of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinsons, Alzheimer's, and MS.

Enjoy the convenience of a premixed latte with all of your herbal supplements already included alongside the customization of being able to fix it how you like--add your own milk and sweetener of choice, and you are good to go!

All of the mushrooms and herbs in our latte mixes are wild grown in the mountains, fed by fresh running spring water, and hand picked especially for us!

All of our latte mixes also include powdered pastured egg yolk, to up your fat soluble vitamins and minerals along with add a rich, smooth feel like it was made from scratch in your own home!


1000mg Lion's Mane Mushroom 20% Beta Glucans Fruiting Body Extract
500mg Ashwagandha 10:1 Extract
Black Pepper
Vanilla Extract
Pastured Egg powder

How to use

To prepare: Dissolve one heaping TBSP (10g) in 4 oz of hot water. Add 4 ounces of warmed milk and sweetener of choice. Enjoy any time you need a moment of peace.

This blend supports:

Brain, Mood, and Nervous System
Gut Integrity and Microbiome diversity
Immune System
Balance in all things: hormonal, sleep, inflammation, immunity, etc


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